Saturday 27 March 2010

A suprise additional blog ....

Most of my followers will know I am in the process of trying to sort myself out of a bad bipolar episode .... I have recently started Cogative Behaviour Therapy and to say it is hard is an understatement

In my life I have had alot of minor episodes and a few major ones ... this one is bad ... it is possibly one of the worst

A friend asked me this morning to try to explain how I felt, how it makes me feel going through this ....

My Answer

Having been through some very physical pain (countless operations and serious damage) I have to say this emotional pain is by far the worst

It is like my heart and lungs have been ripped from my body leaving a gaping wound an emptiness that aches. my stomache is so heavy it drags to the floor. My head hurts pounding and my eyes sting.

My mind races with thoughts I do not know because I cant catch one to see it. I have no ability to focus enough to process a basic thought .... just to be able to make a decision about what I am going to eat

Everything around me is just a noise ... it confuses me ... music (my once saving grace) just irritates me, even a conversation on the telephone is too much to bear

Crying is a natural state at present ... the tears just run down my face I cant even control that now.... and it takes nothing to start the sobs

This is the depressed side of Bipolar. This is the time when even though you know you dont want to kill yourself you know for sure you dont want to wake up if you ever manage to get to sleep ....

So my only option is to focus ... is to just get through this next moment
My CBT homework this week was to timetable my spare time ... to try and add to it somethings that I enjoy doing ...I failed my homework this week but I will make sure i have something to report on monday

People have been very kind and they say often I should call them if I need to talk, they then give me wrong that i suffer and dont call ... but what can I say ... this isnt reactive depression ... Im not crying because someone has upset me ... Im just upset because I am

I fill my time helping people because I have an ingrained need to help ... while Im solving ther peoples problems I do not have to face my own

For everyone who is distanced from me at present please stay close I will be back soon and for those that have to deal with me everyday ... Thank you from the bottom of my heart ... your karma levels will be through the roof xxxx


  1. Here should you need it, non-judgemental always.
    Caroline x

  2. Melody, you are so special. Thank you for sharing and for the insight.
