Saturday 22 May 2010

Mays blog...hmmmm

I have spent a lot of time trying to decide what to write about this month. I keep thinking I have a topic .... i write some lines and then stop.

nothing is inspiring me .... everything is blah!!!!

everything in my life is a mess ... not in a bad way... not in a ' I'm a mess and i cant cope come lock me up' way ... more the 'where is my bag and have you moved the car??' way

sometimes when I have a lot on my mind it decides to have a holiday... "that's it I've had enough I'm off, call me when you sort this lot out" ... alright for my mind but I'm the one left to pick up the pieces ... I mean where did i park the car?

In general I can be very very random ... I will ask a question out of the blue because if I don't I cant be sure I will remember later. I carry a notebook with me everywhere and i write down everything i have to do ... because I will forget ... if it isn't in the book it doesn't get done. Even my children have worked that out ... when i used to go away for work the girl would write in the book 'buy me a book' even now i find shopping list .... hey its the girl that reminds me what day PE is so i remember to pack the sports kit.

But this is a different situation I can spend 3 hours doing a 20 min job because i'm just floating and i forget everything .... I mean where exactly did I park my car?

Writing at the moment is impossible I couldn't remember who I am let alone what I was doing 16 years ago. And I don't have the focus to read .... I went to the model railway to do some work but I didn't get much done and glued more fence posts to me than anything else. So maybe my mind has the right idea .... maybe I need a holiday

So this Months blog is too tell you Ive gone on holiday ... I'm taking a break.... there will be no May blog ... Oh it is still May isn't it?

And Hopefully by June my mind will have returned and I will be back to writing .... and driving because I seem to have misplaced my car ... I mean where did I park it?????

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