Thursday 4 June 2009

A little bit of everything....

So here I am ... Shame I dont know where 'here' is!

Im not sure I even know where 'there' was ... I remember there was dancing ... singing ... and parties that would blow your mind. There was people many many people all playing their part ... and me there in the middle.

Then there was the silence .... despite the strange buzzing in my ear!

But all that is over now .....

Now Im an ex-dancer .... I do not perform ... well .....not for the public!

In a moment of sanity .... (or maybe in hindsight it was insanity) I retrained as a psychologist!

That ended too!

Now Im an ex-dancing psychologist with a plan .... well at least a thought and maybe as I go along it will become a plan .....

Stick with me its going to be a fun journey .... Oh and the stories I could tell you!!!!!