Saturday 13 June 2009

Happy birthday litle girl!

On June 13th 2000 at 1022am a baby girl was removed from me .... for 13 seconds there was silence .... as they tried to get her to breathe

This baby was alway meant to be a fighter ... I was not able to have children (they told me that when I was 14!) .... I had a drunken encounter with a man I shouldnt have (condom used!) ... I drank heavily took substances that I shouldnt ... never ate or slept ..... forced myself into corsets and danced for hours most nights ...... I was 22 weeks pregnant before I knew it .....

knowing I was didnt make me stop ...... I couldnt!!!

I had my first pre-natal check the day before my daughter was born ... I had been rushed to hospital I was so ill ..... I had pre eclampsia. The baby was traverse and i had placenta previa ... had I gone into labour naturally my baby would have died.... and possibly me too! I was rushed in for a emergency c-section.

In those 13 seconds my world stopped the silence was deafening ..... I hadnt even met her and I knew I had to survive ....and so did she .... then came the cry ...

a noise I was to hear a lot more from that point ... a noise I would go on to hate ... but at that moment my old life stopped and my new one started.

The last 9 years have been a rollercoaster .... ups and downs highs and lows ..... but I seem to have got her through in one piece

As I kissed my birthday girl tonight I looked down at a 9 year old girl ... who everyday amazes me and I realise again that I created a miracle and she fought to be with me .... and I fought to be with her

Of all the things I have achieved in my life her and her little brother are my greatest works

Happy 9th birthday my shining star ....................xxxx