Thursday 4 November 2010

The excuses of a lazy blogger!!!

It was summer ..
I started a new exercise routine..
I had a lot of studying to do..
My editor moved away so I didn't have him pushing me..(yes I am using you as an excuse)..
A friend has been trying to get me back to burlesque dancing and I had to practise (yes I'm using you too!!)
CBT was getting deep and meaningful ..

Ok Ok ....truth is I'm lazy and time flies so fast now .... and well I lost my mojo.

It is unbelieveable to me that it is now November, I look and wonder if i have filled my time the best I could and well honestly the answer to that is probably no ... but then who does.

I was thinking about death today (in an uplifting live for the moment rather than a depressing end of everything way) and I remember being in hospital thinking if I can just get through this in one piece I will never waste time again ... I made huge changes in my life after that.
I left an unhappy marriage, I quit the job that caused me nothing but pain, I made a stand against the people in my life that brought me down and I started on the path of me.

3 years later my circumstances are different ... at a glance to most people I'm worse off. financially I am, physically I am , but in my heart and through out my soul .... which is where it matters ... the profit is huge.
Sometimes in the dire day to day I forget that ... but today with death in my mind I remembered it loud and clear.

So today I found my mojo again ... will it make me a less lazy blogger ... well probably not.