Monday 15 February 2010

Diamonds .....

'I'm sorry Miss Grace I just cant let you leave the room' I glared at the pretty much 7 foot security guard that had stood in my way, OK well he maybe wasn't that tall but keep in mind I'm only just over 5 ft ... every ones tall to me!
I reached round to the back of my neck and fumbled with the necklace trying to undo it, Marcus walks towards me ' Mel baby we are not trying to make you uncomfortable but this is a big deal and it was very nice of Mr James to offer to lend you these, you do want to look perfect don't you baby' Damn that man knows how to play me. Marcus has been my agent since I was 14 years old his company bought the small local firm I was with as a child performer. Marcus sees in me things I don't see in myself. He pushed me to attend an audition for a maid role in a burlesque show when I didn't think I could do it. He also convinced me to take some lessons when i found burlesque fascinating and he told me everyday that I could do it when I didn't think I could. The problem is that he also knows what to say, how to feed my inner good girl when my Diva struts out.

I took a deep breath removed the necklace placing it on the velvet box and slowly walking out of the room 'Miss Grace' I turned to look at a very uncomfortable security guard again ' the bracelet' looking down I started to giggle the string of diamonds around my wrist was more than my house I remember thinking that when they told me how much it was worth. The giggles became a laugh, I looked around the room all eyes were on me again.

'Help me out of it then' I said smiling to the security guard and lifting my hand I winked at him and smiled my sorry smile 'want to pat me down' I said in my best flirting manner and walked out the room in to the bedroom and threw myself onto the bed .... i cant even storm out of the room any more maybe it is a good thing I am retiring.

The door swings open and I wonder who lost rock, paper, scissors. The boys always use it as a way to decide who comes to deal with me. Steven put his head around the door 'hey is it safe to come in?' Steven or Dotty as I call him closes the door behind him in his usual efficient manner, everything Dotty does is executed with precision. It is what made him an amazing dancer and what makes him perfect as my stage manager. 'I'm fine dotty go back and get on I will be in in a minute' he stuck out his tongue and left the room. Like Marcus, Dotty has always been there he runs me day to day, he's my stage manager, my choreographer, my personal assistant, my dresser and my stage hand ... but I call him my maid. Dotty the maid and he's my best friend. He is the worst for feeding my Diva, he's so camp, and loves playing up to me. He uses his campness often backstage it gets him into the girls dressing room while they are changing, well he's gay isn't he .... Ah if only they knew Dotty is a tart he has more girls on the go than I have stilettos and that's saying something!

As I lie here giggling to myself at the absurdness of my life, I begin thinking ... how did I get to here? how did the little girl who liked going to dance classes on a saturday with her grandfather, end up in a posh hotel wearing diamonds worth more than her house. And now that its coming to an end ...what on earth am I going to do now?